Description: You may be familiar with the use of operant conditioning and positive feedback to train an animal like a dog or a seal, but did you know that it works on people too? Current Horry-Georgetown Biology Professor and former seal and sea lion trainer, Lauren Roberts, will explain how she uses operant conditioning to positively reinforce desirable behaviors in students. Don’t worry, you won’t have to balance a ball on your nose or eat raw fish to attend. About the presenter: Lauren Roberts started teaching full-time at Maricopa County Community College in 2012 and joined Horry-Georgetown Technical College as a full-time professor in 2020. Prior to teaching, Lauren worked in research and animal husbandry with the Bald Head Island Conservancy, Jekyll Island Sea Turtle Project, Disney World's Animal Kingdom and EPCOT, and The Alaska SeaLife Center. Lauren is an active volunteer with the Myrtle Beach State Park Sea Turtle Patrol and was honored with the 2024 South Carolina Department of Natural Resources Sea Turtle Nest Protection Volunteer of the Year award.